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Version: 11.0

Service Accounts

Service accounts are used in Resolve Insights to connect to devices and APIs and perform discovery. We support different types of service accounts, each with its password policy.

Using service accounts to perform device discovery would enable you to manage better the discovery process. For example, if you create a recurring discovery by using service accounts to authenticate on the devices and in time, the password for one or many of those accounts is changed, all you need to do is edit the service account itself. There is no need to identify which discovery schedules are using it or to change anything on the discovery jobs, the password changes will be taken automatically and the discovery schedule won't be interrupted.

Create service accounts

  1. Navigate to Discovery > Device Discovery
  2. Click the Service Accounts button to see a list of all service accounts in your system.
    You can search for an account and filter by different criteria.
  3. Click the Add Service Account button
  4. Select one or more sites to which to associate the new service account.
  5. Enter the service account name.
  6. Select the connection type from the drop-down.
    Service accounts are linked to a specific site and connection type and are automatically prefiltered based on those fields when creating new device discovery.
  7. Enter the applicable fields.
    Based on the selected connection type, different sets of fields are required.
  8. Click the Submit to create the service account.

The combination of site, connection type, and service account name should be unique and the system will indicate to you if there is a duplication.

Manage service accounts

If you want to change a password for a service account, a port, or any other editable attribute, you can easily do that in the service account settings. The discovery process using this service account will automatically take the changes upon the next discovery run.

  1. Navigate to Discovery > Device Discovery
  2. Click the Service Accounts button.
  3. Choose the service account you want to edit and click the Edit icon next to it.
  4. Edit the fields you want to change.
    You cannot edit the service account name and connection type. If you want to change them, delete this service account and create a new one.
    The passwords, connection strings, keys, passphrases, etc. are editable, but the current value is not displayed on the UI, i.e. you can't see the current password for that service account.
  5. Click the Submit button to update the service account.

You can also delete a service account by clicking the Delete button next to it.